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The definition of FUN is enjoyment, amusement, or lighthearted pleasure. As long as it gives you pleasure, it can be considered FUN. Therefore, in the context of children having fun, fun can be described as the joy that the children experience as they fully engage themselves in the play, often forgetting themselves, and getting fully absorbed in the game. Children, if left to themselves, would love to have fun all day. Children also relish challenges and a sense of adventure. Children have fun when they play together with the thrill of having an adventure and are full of joyous enthusiasm. If this fun can be channelized by providing the right context for the children to also learn as they play it is more than likely to lead to incredible learning outcomes almost unconsciously while the children are having all the fun they want.

Albert Einstein once said “Creativity is intelligence having fun!”. Children are at their creative best when they are having fun. Children are naturally curious and the natural tendency of children is to explore and experiment. Also, novelty acts like a magnet to satiate the curiosity of the children. The enthusiasm that children exhibit while playing games often makes their creative juices flow providing the right context for significant learning to happen and the absorption and retention of the same. Learning by Playing provides the right setting for the children to have fun, be imaginative and inventive and provides them the context to explore their natural curiosity and enthusiasm and experiment and collaborate among themselves and the end result is likely to be that the children will outdo themselves. This creativity in a group setting further enhances the entire group and compounds the learning of all the children.

As the children play in a group, there would be many opportunities for team-based games. The team-based learning is likely to inculcate in the children a sense of team spirit and teach them the art of working together for common benefit. It will teach them the importance of helping each other and sharing among themselves, leading to good bonding among them. The group setting offers the teachers the opportunity to pair a strong student with a weaker student and teach them to operate as a team with the stronger student helping the weaker student. The children can also learn from the opponents while playing in a group creating a great atmosphere with helping, sharing and learning happening seamlessly leading to better performance of the class as a whole. This benefits the children, parents, teachers and the school in the long run.
Learning is not all about books. Play based learning encourages children’s creativity and develops their imagination and provides them a context for learning rather than learning from books alone. Thus you are likely to have self-motivated children who in their eagerness to play are likely to absorb most things like a sponge making the teachers’ job far easier. Children can excel themselves as they try to balance and improve their abilities when confronted with challenges and progress towards a goal. This helps them to expand their thinking, develop new insights and learn new things. In addition, the learning is likely to be sticky and retained better as the children engage in repetitive play. In other words rote learning from books is replaced with contextual learning that builds on the natural tendencies of the children and ensures better and faster learning that lasts long, really long and lays the foundation for the growth of the children.

Learning by Playing lays a strong foundation in children as the learning is absorbed and retained far better than via instructional mode of learning. In addition, as the play happens in a group setting, the children develop their social and cognitive skills. It is also likely to teach the children sportsmen spirit and the ability to handle winning and losing. Additionally, the children will not only gain from self-learning but also from peer and group learning. The compounding in terms of learning, social and cognitive skills together with working as a team and imbibing sportsmanship is more than likely to lead to all-round development in children and not only make them educated but also equip them with life skills. Thus, Learning by Playing lays a strong foundation for their individual growth and their contribution to the society in the future.

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